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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Decline in US churches


METHODISM, ONCE USA’S LARGEST DENOMINATION, IS IN CRISIS as are many churches with declining membership.  This year, 16% of the UMC churches have quit and by 2025 an estimated 25% will leave over leftist doctrine.  This doesn’t count the many individual conservatives who will likely leave (44% of members call themselves very conservative). Estimates that the 11 million in 1969 will decline to about 4 million in 2025.  A major obstacle, ownership of all church properties by the UMC, has now been relaxed allowing churches that don’t want to stay to keep their place of worship.

    Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists and many others have faced similar splits and declines. Even the  American Catholic church was shrinking until the Latino surge. What should Christianity do? I Thessalonians 1 has the key.  Scholars say that of all the churches Paul started, only 2 thrived, grew and became large centers of Christianity in the second century—Ephesus and Thessalonica. So Paul’s letter to Thessalonica was to a thriving church and was full of thanksgiving and praise. Thessalonica’s key on the personal level is in chapter 1 verses 9 and 10, “for you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and wait for His Son from heaven.”  An important word is “wait”.  That, to the Hebrews meant to talk to God a lot and then wait for the answer. In present terminology, “have a real close relationship with God.”  Watch Him answer. This fits with my own observations from being in 4 interdenominational groups: Christians who involve themselves in much confession, prayer and reading of the Word often become rock solid in faith and the happiest people.  Once a Christian realizes that God has done the work (saving you), yet one remains a messed-up person in practice, it’s obvious God is after more.   Those who start finding answers to personal problems in passages they’ve read a dozen times before chance upon new meaning.  Hearing His voice nudging your thoughts, hearing it echoed from like-minded friends, perhaps even some wildly cool experiences creates a deep unforgettable bond to God. And nothing can take that away.  This is the Holy Spirit at work. Knowing God is near gives confidence unlike anything else. If then a church has a nucleus of such humble believers, such people often find they can’t shut up about the faith, the experiences, the delight in serving others. When the group focus is Jesus (vs. 8), quibbling mostly stops. When they imitate good leadership and their Lord, despite obstacles(vs.6), they grow. Such was the Thessolonians and many other Christian groups since.

    Face time in confession to God is critical. It is there that the Christian realizes how spiritually dependent they are and the frequent  conversation with God comes about.  Theology isn’t just theory.  Church isn’t just allegiance. Justified by faith in God’s grace means that you must utterly accept His definitions and rules.  If He says it is sin, it is.  To deny that, to label some sins non-sins takes that sin off the table for forgiveness. In political compromises  or indulgence, faith dwindles. The dystopic can’t reach out to God if he/she sees no problem with the self (a recipe for despair).  Yet in God’s upside down economy, a murderer is in the same boat as a the gossip spreading dirt about the neighbor.

     Good News! God’s pushing your boat.

     This writer thinks the problem is more than just leftist views in the churches.  It is more like the seed that fell among the weeds in Jesus’ Parable of the Sower.  The weeds, cares of the world, are choking out Christian belief.  The popular culture convinces that all mankind’s  longings are likely to be solved only by science, economics, politics, etc.  But Christians realize that there’s more than just the physical universe.  There’s a force beyond that reveals Himself to us.  And in the still small voice of God inside, He wants to weld you to Himself to revolutionize the world.

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