GEEZER ECONOMY Economists are now worried about world
population declining. Did I not try to tell people about this?! USA, since 1973 has done about 64 million
abortions. Had these been given birth,
we’d have enough to fill the gap in labor force so that Social Security would survive. Future History book chapter: "Social Security died because they wanted a BMW instead". The entire rich world is in trouble with pensions. Currently 3 people
from working age to 64 support 1 person over 65. By 2050 it will be 2:1. And it doesn’t just
effect our own ponzi-scheme Social Security.
Retired folks support themselves on savings
which will invest in weaker companies due to the labor shortage. And then who supports the government if it
has far less taxes? (Well, you know what they will do!)
2000 the world’s fertility rate was 2.7 births per woman (population
sustainability rate = 2.1) Today it is 2.3 and falling. The 15 largest countries by GDP all have
negative replacement rates. This
includes India and China and comprises 3/8 of world population. Ain’t just
Italy and Japan anymore.
the really bad news. Countries full of
elderly have less enterprising young
people comfortable with taking risks.
That is, productivity growth
slows. If you are retired, that’s your investments. Next politics gets ossified. Old Farts don’t spend much as consumers and
benefit less when economies thrive. They
are less likely to promote pro-growth
policies. The impulse of liberals to
encourage immigration sounds helpful, but if immigrants aren’t screened for the
3 magic attributes—work,education, and family/faith—they are a drag on the system, not a benefit.
Thus it is predicted that by 2050 there will be a dearth of young educated
workers, especially in places like USA which doesn’t do well with bottom-up
education. And pro-family policies have
proven little help when family/faith is declining. Fewer babies, less well
nurtured, means less human genius. What
then? A.I. to rule us? I guess if you
get old and want to stay at home but
there’s no at-home nursing available, at least that AI robot won’t steal your
china and jewelry, right? Right?
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