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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

King Charles et al


STUDYING ROYALS, FOR A FORMER SCIENTIST IT, IS INTERESTING. All kinds of baloney is written in media.  What can be proven true? T.

     First, there is a Royal Donneybrook going between Harry and Willie.  Proof is that they hardly will speak.  Further proof that King Charles agreees with Will is from the fact that Harry had to sit 3 rows back, not wear his military uniform (one of the few royals with distinguished combat career), and couldn’t appear on the balcony with Chuck and Cam.  Harry alleges racism by Willie’s staff, but who knows?  What is quickly apparent is that the royals are snobs and the staff has a strong say in what goes.  The royal snobbery--in the 1960s, Elizabeth was  persuaded to do a documentary on the family, showing them doing everyday things like eating meals and going to the beach.  The British people loved it! They saw the royals as “one of us” and it had an enormous viewership on the Telly.  The royal family hated it, showing their aura missing.  Since Elizabeth II owned the copyright, she tragically locked the film away and it was never seen again.

     From Victoria to Elizabeth, there was much political controversy about whether the monarchy was even needed.  Brits/Scots spend half a billion on royals each year—but from that they must maintain castles, estates and various other things.  UK derives $6 billion in tourism making this better than any baseball or football team in USA.  Hence many speak glowingly about things like a coronation or jubilee. My what pageantry!  That’s why the huge staff, not only servants, but also PR advisors defending Need for the Monarchy. Staff also gives rise to an industry of “leaks” about who’s doing what and wearing what, and our guy is Cool but his brother or cousin is a turd. 

    Introvert Charles III learned to do small talk but never saw many girls except Camilla, his true love.  Diana had all the charm that Chuck lacked but she wasn’t too smart.  The mistress phenomenon among royals goes back 1000 years, with most having several and numerous bastard children. In Middle and Dark Ages this gave rise to huge bloodletting over succession.  William the Conqueror was such a bastard, fighting for the throne.  Often kids were eager to assume the throne.  That is why, in the coronation ceremony William kneels before the king to pledge fidelity.  Charles also exhibits odd behavior.  Supposedly Charles is trying to make peace with Harry. But Harry and Meghan wanted a small cameo of little Archie’s birthday party.  It was refused.  Meg stayed in USA. You have to ask what kind of asshole Grandpa refuses a little grandson’s birthday party. Charles also dabbled with Islam, but has recently returned to the Christian Faith. Until 2 years ago he wanted to be crowned “Defender of the Faiths.  But Faith was singlular in the final decision.  I guess what I dream is an Edward the Confessor, a king who really believes. An apostle who spreads the faith, and practices by using his huge wealth for orphanages, schools, drug rehab centers, etc. A guy who quotes a bit of his favorite scripture and reads stories to kids.  Maybe it will happen but not now.  The Brits would be gobsmacked!   

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