go down in history as the guy who, like Nero, fiddled as Social Security
burned. Charles Blahous of George Mason U. and former Deputy Dir. Of National Economic Council as well as the CBO
are warning that SS and MC will both go insolvent by 2033. It’s not that there is a real SS trust fund,
it’s just that the curve of funding dies out faster while number of recipients
continues to rise. It’s simple math. There will be 2.14 workers per SS recipient
by 2050 implying a required FICA taxof over 30% to make the entitlement
whole. OR raid general revenues of
income taxes for so much money there won’t be any discretionary spending. It will all be eaten by entitlements and
interest on the debt. No funding for defense.
Better learn Mandarin Chinese.
Ds for a long time have thought that
they could just raise the threshold age or raise the amount of earnings subject
to SS tax. Raise the threshold age to
about 77 and upper limit on FICA withholding to $1 million. Nor do the Ds want to be the one party
responsible for this. Rs must be made to
share the blame. Only 5% of people make more than the max tax. That’s not enough people to get significant funds
I was born under Truman, remember
Medicare and Medicaid passing and was in college in the 1960s-70s. First I
wanted to be a teacher, then a physicist. Physicists are like monks. You have to take vows of chastity and poverty.
So I concluded that when I got to retirement age there probably wasn’t going to
be anything for me. And thus endeavored early on, to make some side money and
now after 50+ years of work, have what looks like a fortune (to me). It will feed me in my old age rather than
make me dependent on the Nero government. The SS I once put in amounts to about
1.5% return over my 40-year working life.
That amount, invested at 6% would generate 5 times as much. In W. Bush’s
2004 campaign he ran on fixing SS and proposed that 20% of your FICA tax be put
in a 401K-type account, payable at age 65. The rest stayed in present plan.
That would have dead flat fixed it. But even R’s in Congress and the majority
of people balked. Dems went ballistic and nothing got passed. The 3rd
rail, they scorned him. That same kind of fix today would require 50% of your
FICA and work-until-70 to make the system come out equal.
Meanwhile I’m a rare duck with my
savings. But it just makes me sad. Half the people live to be 65. Of those who
take SS, ¼ are living on SS only. Start counting a room of gray heads. Every 4th one has nothing but SS. This
is a tragedy that could have been avoided.
As the Psalmist wrote, “Trust not in princes, they are but mortal.”
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