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Saturday, November 14, 2020

5 mathematical reasons there was voter fraud


Wisconsin had 91% turnout for the election, virtually impossible percentage.  This turnout exceeds Australia and Netherlands where voting is mandatory.  If you fail to vote in Australia, you get fined $100.  Inner city Milwaukee supposedly achieved 84% turnout.  Milwaukee built a 145,916 vote lead for Biden. Milwaukee and Cleveland are like sister cities.  Bot have similar populations and demographics, have an economy based on Great Lakes traffic.  But Cleveland had 51% turnout—about like most cities this size.  Almost all the too-big-to-believe turnouts occurred in the big cities of vote-contested states.  Madison,WI had almost 100% turnout.  Since virtually no one notifies their election board when they move, and most lists of registered voters consist of at least 15% deceased or relocated voters, I am at a loss to explain this. Maybe no one moves from lovely Madison or dies there—Workers Paradise, as Pravda used to say of the USSR.  There is no plausible explanation except voter fraud.

Boy, they must really love Joe Cool Biden in his shades in Pennsylvania. His performance, according to the vote numbers overwhelmed Obama, but just in a few places.  Could a candidate as feckless and confused as Biden really have massively outpaced the vote totals of a politician who boasted rock star appeal?

Well, 3 counties-- Chester, Cumberland, and Montgomery.  Sleepy Joe bested the Obama election performances by factors of 1.24-1.43 times. For Montgomery County, Obama won this swing county by 59,000 votes in his 2012 re-election. But in 2020, Biden won Montgomery County by a whopping 131,000 votes, more than twice the prior Obama margin. Joe Cool’s 2020 total vote in Montgomery is reported at 313,000, crushing Obama’s 233,000 take in 2012 – and population growth does not explain the gains, as the county only grew by 22,000 residents during those eight years. In almost every other county Biden's % is a few points behind Obama, but in just a few, he had inordinate popularity.

Simple explanation: someone tampered the vote.  But according to the all-knowing Chuck Schumer, there was NO voter fraud.  None, zip, nada, null set,zed.

Trump legal advisor Sidney Powell says that 450,000 Biden-only ballots were cast in the 4 swing states—MI, WI,PA and GA—in big batches arriving late at night.  But there were hotly contested Senate and House races in all those states.  Why would someone cast a Biden-only ballot and neglect the other races in a place like GA but not in OK? MI but not WY?  OK and WY had races where the R-Senator was hopelessly ahead.  In GA, Trump’s vote almost exactly reflects that of Sen. Perdue.  But in metro Atlanta, Biden managed to amass a lead of 95,000 votes, through mostly Biden-only voted ballots.  And re-count?  Well they separated the ballots from their envelopes.  We can't check identity.  Something is rotten in Denmark.

PA added unsolitcited mail-ins this year.  When states go to mail-ins they usually experience a 3% rejection rate since voters are not used to the new format.  In the NY Primary this spring the new format yielded 21% reject rate.  In 2016 PA had a 1% rejection rate of the old absentee ballot method that has gone on for years.  This year they had mail-ins and a .03% rejection rate.  Miracle of Miracles!  And it appears the origin of these ballots ( truly filled in with professional expertise) is the big blue counties where the number of ballots exceeds the number of registered voters.  Shazzam!

The Ds will argue that fraud was just a few mistaken characters and didn't do anything to affect the final result. Bullspit. Look at the metrics and ask if this makes sense. The cheaters are slick and get away with a lot. But some entity, state legislature or Supreme Court needs to put their foot down and demand an explanation or "we will declare a fraudulent election and demand a revote the traditional way with enormous checks on the process."

In the middle of Election night, WI and MI received 138,399 ballots in bundles that were 100% Biden votes. But studies have shown that 1 in 1000 or 500 votes is a mis-vote.  The voter pushed the wrong button or marked the wrong square by mistake and didn’t catch it.  But the 138,399 were entirely Biden votes.  Where are the 138 or so mis-votes? There will always be a few votes for the other candidate. It makes no statistical sense, unless there was a skilled person behind all 138,399.

So those are 5 metrics that are seriously violated by WI, MI, and PA (and perhaps GA) this year—turnout, inordinate counties,Biden-only votes, unusual rejection rates, no mis-votes.

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