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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Luther cockroaches Dems Trump

Secular Libs voted God out of their Democrat platform 8 years ago. No more objective moral standards!  They criticize others (Trump with his sex talk) who have standards but can’t be held to any objective standards themselves because they hold none.  It’s an interesting strategy. But does it meet reality?

             Is anything real?  For if there is reality, reality contains rules and principles.  If it contains rules and principles, there is a reason for science and theology.  If nothing’s real, then all bets are off.  But if there is a reality, there must be some objective standards that govern the universe. Where then can they be found?  All the world’s religions say they are to be found in revelation.  At some place, in some time, in some person, secrets were revealed about how to behave, how to seek further truth, how to live.

            Recent evidence from the emails of Clinton’s staff and Podesta, shows their scorn for Catholicism and Evangelicals. That’s a big enough chunk of Christianity to say that this crew doesn’t think much of Christianity in general.  Or if they do it is just to narrow the scope of their belief like the guy who says “I’m a Christian because I admire Jesus.” Good luck with that stategy in the presence of the Living God.  I think God reveals His almighty, all-knowing nature in the Judeo-Christian scriptures.  The absolute perfection claimed by God quashes any notions of relative one-upsmanship by a human.  This is much like my reaction would be if one talking cockroach stood up and told me he was a more righteous roach than the others—so he should be saved. SQUISH!!

            As we arrive at the 499th anniversary of the Reformation (rather arbitrarily set as Oct. 31, 1517) it might be worthy to note how a terrified monk found grace about 3 years earlier.  Luther read a famous proclamation by Paul in Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel.  It is the power of God for salvation, to everyone who has faith” Of course Luther believed this.  He was a doctor of theology and a monk.  But it was the verse after this that mystified him, “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, the righteous shall live by faith.”  To Luther, the righteousness (right living, holiness) of God was a terrible thing to encounter.  How could any human stand in the presence of such a God if God is indeed Just?  This is the same problem, just a differing solution from those who would reject God and any objective morality.  One is terrorized.  The other pretends it doesn’t exist.

            But one night, we think it was in October of 1514, cold enough that Luther lit a fire in his study, he found the answer.  The catalyst was Ps. 70:1 which simply expresses a yearning for deliverance by God, “Be pleased, O God, to deliver me! O Lord, make haste to help me!”  Suddenly Luther saw that God’s terrifying perfection and justice could not be met by any human attempt.  The morality was too great, too demanding.  You couldn’t even remember enough to confess to cover your sin.  But God delivers.  And what Romans is saying is that this is revealed from faith and to it at the same time.  That is, faith (trusting God for deliverance) and trying to act moral shows us all the more how inadequate we are, yet leaves us clinging to God’s deliverance all the tighter—“from faith to faith.  Thus it is not our righteousness that fulfills God’s justice but His own. God was so loving He came to deliver the cockroach humans with His own costly death.   And through faith He hands us this—“the righteous shall live by faith.”  God, not giving us what we deserve is Mercy.  God, giving us what we don’t deserve is Grace. So it is that Christians, forgiven themselves, tend to be a forgiving lot.  When Trump says he isn’t proud of his yap, apologizes, even though he tends to still have trouble controlling his mouth, many of us Evangelicals forgive. 

            The amoralists, weirdly enough, often try to claim a higher moral ground.  They want to save the planet from global warming and pollution.  They are not racist/sexist/homophobic like those deplorable Christians. It is as if they want to create their own new 10 commandments.  And if they find any sexual sin by Christian standards, like bragging about your sexual prowess in an abusive way, they are quick to condemn.  This, despite their own group’s (Bill Clinton, Weiner, Frank, Kennedy and many others) wild malfeasance which draws no ire. It’s worse than roaches.  At least they all run when the light is turned on.

            What we really do need in this country is a revival.

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