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Monday, August 10, 2015

Debates and Dems

Watched both debates and all 17 candidates.  Now I am chuckling because the polls show that the people who rose are those who took it to the Democrats and held strongly to conservatism.  Trump held his own and is still at 22-23%.  Rubio, Cruz, Carson, Huck, and Fiorina came up dramatically or strongly while Jeb, Paul and Kassick went down.  Christie is toast—his arguments too complex and his demeanor toward other candidates too combative. 

This is not to say that it matches my preferences. I think Trump is an egotistical dolt who just lips off and orders people around. Is he really conservative or just a con? He doesn’t offer solutions, would probably not be persuasive with Congress and who knows how a dealmaker/salesman would run the federal bureaucracy.  Huckabee, a great plain-talker, is shallow.  Christie was trying to tell him that the looming Social Security and Medicare insolvency must be dealt with or we have NO money for anything else.  Huck would have none of it.  Would he disband the army or raise taxes to fund the entitlements?  Rubio the Unflappable understands how to get the Hispanic vote without amnesty and I think Cruz does too.  Nobody in the news media gets it. And Carson, I think has no future in government, but a great future as commentator.  

Christie is perhaps the most forthright and solution-minded of the candidates, yet all people saw was his combativeness with Paul and he is perhaps a goner.  So is Perry.  This ticks me off because these two guys have perhaps the strongest stump speeches of the party.  And the self-congratulatory news media hogged so much of the debate time, turned the format into rolling interviews with gotcha questions, that these strong qualities were nowhere to be seen.  Time would have been better spent if they would have just given all 17 candidates 10 minutes each to explain their candidacy.  But no, we have to have the jackass questions that sounded more like miniature speeches by the questioners.  So, I salute Trump for giving Kelly the verbal backhand. Trump has his ass full of arrows but drawing fire, he is changing the national discussion.  Bully!

 The Democrats have nearly ruined this country and Americans are distressed over it.  We are nobody’s friend and everybody’s fool among the nations.  We have piled on debt, that if it continues 4 more years, will put us in the same debt/GDP as Greece.  We continue to downsize the military as the world wildfires burn bigger.  For the first time in 400 years of our history, we now have more business failures every year than business start-ups.  That is, we have gone from the entrepreneurs of the world to the innovativeness of Slovenes and Sicilians.  Obamacare kills new jobs, EPA tyrants destroy the rivers, and Educrats can’t educate.  None of this is because of Republicans.  Tell ‘em, Carly!

And crazy thing is, the average Joe knows this. It ain’t rocket science.  Jobs?  Drill, baby, drill and open federal lands to the energy industry.  Build the Keystone.  Take down the regs on CO2 and get our electricity and coal industry back. Lower the corporate taxes and see what the next generation of iphone technology will be.  Since 2010 we’ve lost 16% of our doctors.  So, kill Obamacare and replenish the medical service jobs.  Repeal and replace the IRS.  Give pinkslips to federal bureaucrats, not kids out of college. Build the military back. Then we get our America back along with our jobs.

The media can’t understand Trump’s appeal because he doesn’t bow to the gods of political correctness and politeness.  Maybe we need to get in the Democrat’s faces about this.  Next time someone claims Republicans aren’t compassionate, stop the speaker and say, “So when someone sees their romance crash and then finds themselves pregnant out of wedlock, and you just tell them to get an abortion, what’s so compassionate about that?  When you go around giving out free crud from the government and get them hooked with EBT cards that aren’t even programmed to prohibit buying cigarettes and booze, what’s so compassionate about that?  When the war in Iraq was won but the peace had to be won with a continued presence, you yellow-bellied suckers left and left ISIS to take over and massacre 90,000 Christians.  What’s so compassionate about that?”

Or next time some Dem corrects you, “it’s the Democratic party, not the Democrat party,” say, “Trail of Tears, slavery, Japanese internment camps—what’s so democratic about that?”

The bottom line, R’s are aching for a fight and a feisty leader.  Polls show R’s 70% highly involved with the coming election while Dems are 30-40%.  The guy who sunk badly was Jeb who hemmed and hawed around about how knowing what he knew now, he wouldn’t have gone into Iraq.  Hunh?  Powell presented three reasons at the UN.  1. Saddam trains and sends terrorists, and won’t comply with UN inspections whatsoever, 2. Saddam is a tyrant who kills his own and starts wars to corner the world oil market, and 3. He has WMDs which could be used by terrorists.  So which of these turned out untrue?  Only the last one, or did it?  We now know that the Bush administration hid the discovery of 6000 WMDs so that Al Qaeda wouldn’t go hunting for them.  Tell Jeb to call his brother for details.

More debates, controversies and speeches to come. But if Reagan had been up there, he’d have said, “Well;;;if you look up and down the stage, you see many faces.  Now ask yourself, ‘is there anybody here that you’d choose Hillary or Bernie instead?’  And if you say NO, then let us pledge together as Americans to put this country together again. Our fathers gave their lives on the shores of Okinawa and Normandy to defeat dictators.  We can surely get out the vote.”      

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