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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Baltimore Oreos and Jiffy Pop

Can anyone explain to me why the Baltimore Oreos, after all that whomping and stomping and getting fired up out there on the streets have a losing record this year?  You’d think they would be playing lively ball.  Maybe the mayor ordered them to let the White Sox steal all the bases they wanted.  She decided not to let the ballgame have any spectators.  She cited attendance by gangsters and murderers, terrorists, looters, drug-runners, rapists, thieves and other criminal elements could disrupt the game.  Any chance we can get Obama to appoint her to handle Border policy? BHO is just waiting for baseball to resume so he can throw out the first Molotov cocktail.

            So is rioting and looting racist?  I couldn’t see much diversity the other night on TV.  I also found myself wondering how many of those rioters were Republicans.  Could you see anyone with a Tea Party tri-brimmed hats and wearing a lot of red, white and blue.  I’m sure they were there.  I just missed them I guess.  For sure I heard Al Sharpton yell, “black lies matter!”  Ah yes, I remember all those race riots when Bush was President, don’t you?

            The Brits say we have nothing on them.  History channel theorized that Stonehenge was built to attract aliens.  Everybody in UK says it worked.

            John Boehner surprised me quite a bit when he said that the Clintons were good people.  It makes me want to cry.  If Hill gets to be Prez, we are probably going to buy new White House china for state dinners.  The old stuff that had been glued together, that they left when they moved out in 2001, looks shabby.  Bill says he has to pay the bills so that is why he charges half a million for a speech.  That’s a good idea.  Back during the dark days of my business, when I thought I might go bankrupt, I sure could have given a speech for half a mill.  Heck, I would have talked 12 hours, like Fidel Castro if I could have gotten that much moolah.  And I would have been fixed for retirement by a single speech. Hillary said that people were not going to rest until trust in the markets returned. Did I miss something?  Some guy in the Baltimore rioters saying “no trust in my broker, no peace!” You know that they did that study that showed 1/3 of those saving for retirement have less than $1000 saved. Still, they are ahead of Social Security funding by the federal government.  I do see some business coming from the riots however.  VISA: “Black ski mask, $5.  Black hoodie, $12. Getting’ whupped by yo mama on live TV, priceless.

            I read where Obama as US Senator had 324 roll call votes he missed.  Gosh, we should have had mandatory voting!

            Now we have another Muhammad cartoon contest with dead terrorists.  This one was in Texas.  Texans really know how to throw out the bait, don’t they?  I actually went to a website and looked at the supposedly offensive Charlie Hebdo cartoons a while back.  They really were sorta tame.  However, my favorite was an Arab looking smug—no identification of Muhammad—wearing a turban.  But then the turban said “jiffy pop” and there was popcorn coming out the top.  Talk about a hot head.  We used to laugh about how to make a redneck fire alarm.  You put up a nail on the wall and hang a jiffy pop by the handle on it.

            Todd Starnes said, “If all those folks coming across the border were Christians wanting to homeschool their kids, Obama would have called up the Marines.”  Thanks, Todd.  Made my day.

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