no action on the Middle East? Well, of
course, Obama plays to the anti-war movement in the Dems and wants no boots on
the ground. But could there be more to
it? Obama, after all, says in his first
book on page 261, “If a controversy ever arises, I will stand with the
Muslims.” But since he doesn’t believe
that any of the violent things happening are truly Muslim-- just a bunch of
rouge people who have hijacked the faith-- why isn’t our Prez standing with Al
Sisi of Egypt and King Abdullah of Jordan?
Why keep making excuses for Iran, protecting them from getting sanctions
and advancing their desire for nuclear arms?
Why not arm the Kurds? Perhaps there
are two keys to understanding his actions.
First, “Islam is Islam” as Erdogan, prime minister of Turkey says. There are different interpretations, but in
opposition to the West, basically all Muslims cheer the West getting
destroyed. So for someone who has been
through Islamic schools as a child and now says he will stand with the
Muslims, means he is out to transform America into an Islamic
state. That brings us to the second key, Valerie Jarrett.
what Valerie Jarrett told a crowd at Stanford, her old Alma Mater. “I am Iranian by birth and of my Islamic
faith. I am also an American citizen and I seek to help change America to be a
more Islamic country. My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against
itself.” Who is she? “Jarrett
is ground zero in the Obama operation, the first couple’s first friend and
consigliere. Once asked by a reporter if
he ran every decision by Jarrett,
Obama answered with hesitation: ‘Yep.
Absolutely.’ “ (Ed Klein, The Amateur). Jarrett occupies Hillary Clinton’s old
office in the second floor of the West
Wing and has an “all access pass” to any meeting she chooses. She dines nightly with the Obama family, is
the only staff member who vacations with them, and serves as their eyes, ears,
and nose around Washingtion. But she keeps herself hidden to the media and gives no statements. She is
staunchly leftist and Muslim and like Barack, “has a fundamental lack of
respect for businessmen.” (The Amateur, pg.87) When everybody was advising Obama to surge
Afghanistan, she opposed it until he only gave Petraus half the forces he said
he needed. She also urged passage of
Obamacare with whatever false promises, even though Senate Democrats wavered
when no Republican could be found to vote in favor. She pressed for support of Muslim Brotherhood
in the revolt against Mubarack. In the
one decision that her opinion lost, Obama gave approval after 10 months of
waffling to kill or seize Bin Laden, because he worried that if the word got
out that he knew where Osama was and didn’t do anything, he would pay a steep
political price.
it is said that Jarrett really isn’t that smart—just ideological to a fault.
She became best friend with Michelle when she hired Michelle to work for the
Daley machine. Jarrett had a history of
one failed project after another, but she introduced the Obama’s to the upper
echelon of Chicago Democrats and big donors.
She keeps herself out of the limelight in exchange for the constant ear
of the President.
Jeremiah Wright gave Klein the most surprising interview for his book. He said that the Obama’s were rare church
attendees (“Church is not their thing.”) and that all that narrative about how
he had been a spiritual guide to Barack for 20 years was not so true, more political propaganda. Finally Klein asked point blank, “Did you
convert Obama from Islam to Christianity?”
At which point, Wright replied, “That’s hard to tell.” So why then, did Obama keep his name on the
church registry? Wright: “the church was integral part of Barack’s politics. Because he needed that black base.”
I am conservative in heart and soul but PLEASE document your "quote" of Valerie Jarrett. I want it to be true, but is it? Provide a solid, concrete, primary source and make it available for all.