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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What difference does it make?

            Ah yes, 1998, the year of Lewinsky, Lupinski and Kaczinski.  Comes now Monica and she is retelling her story of Slick Willie and their tryst.  Apparently no one will hire her and her life is in ruins.  Hmm.  Do I remember that happening to all the other Clinton women?

            Here’s my question.  Why do these things always ruin the women involved?  Why not Slick?  He goes on to be the grand elder statesman of the Dems and she has no job.  Both made bad decisions.  But Willie gets off scot free. I guess HIll says it, " At this point, what difference does it make?" 

            When a leader has a mistress, it is bad news unless it is in France or Italy.  The only effect there is that the public justs gets a bad case of the yawns.  But think about this.  If a US President sleeps with a spy, the potential for espionage, blackmail, or arrest of his leadership during an event is disastrous.  Such was the case when Jack Kennedy slept with an East German spy and a Senate committee got wind of it and was going to release information about it.. But J Edgar Hoover saw his opportunity.  He knew the Kennedys were FBI haters.  He called Bobby K and asked if, from this point foreward, he would have his blessings if he could stop the scandal.  Hoover did it by blackmailing many of the Senators with scandals the FBI had dug up and which could well have swung an election or two.  Thereafter the Kennedy’s gave Hoover anything he asked for.  But our lib-media never broadcast the story even long after JFK’s death.

            Maybe Monica, with her London School of Economics degree, can get a job at the Dept. of Internal Affairs.

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