Ronald Reagan once said, “History teaches
that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.” And
of course, that is what Putin believes.
Obama has no balls, except for the ones he plays golf with. So Crimea today, tomorrow Estonia or
whoever. Teddy Roosevelt said walk
softly, carry a big stick. Obama
lectures loudly and won’t break a twig.
If TR were Prez, I would see him doing the following. He’d say we have looked without results for
that airliner from Malaysia and may never find it. We know it went south into the Indian Ocean where there is no place to land. Therefore, am ordering the aircraft carrier back
to the Pacific. He would park that
sucker outside of Kamchatka peninsula, move a couple divisions to Alaska, and purposefully
say very little else. But this would tell
the Russians that if they make a move to take over more territory, he will make
a move on some part of Siberia. It’s a
lot farther from Kamchatka or Vladivostok to Moscow than it is to
Anchorage. And this would force the
Russians to suddenly worry about an unguarded flank that is far from home. Naw, you say, that would be so stupid since Eastern
Siberia is a vast wilderness that would be hard to secure. Yeah, but that means that there aren’t that
many people there, let alone Russians.
Secondly, TR would have understood the numbers. USA 313 million people, Russia 142
million. USA GDP $15T, Russia $1.89T. USA has a hardened military that has just
fought 2 wars. A potential fight with
America wouldn’t be cheap.
While it is true that USA’s military is
about 1 million and Russia’s is also about that large, the Russian equipment is
outdated and mostly 7000 miles away.
Secondly, TR would move warships into the
Baltic and AWACs too. Thirdly, he would
ask for more Defense spending like
Reagan did. If Putin were smart, he
would not want an arms race or to be a NATO target. His country has a 0.6% growth rate and a
negative birth/death rate. He cannot win
a cold war. He’d sue for peace and summitry.