Sometimes I don’t understand. We had a Ukrainian Criminia Surprise. Just fix it.
Have the Ukes insert a Second Amendment and then every adult male
between 18 and 45 get a gun. We can
supply ‘em. The United States has 89 guns for every 100 citizens, double the
number of the number two country and about 10 times as many as Europeans. Hitler told Albert Speer (“Inside the Third
Reich”) that he won’t invade USA and wanted a truce after he had cleaned up on
Europe because the Americans were armed to the teeth and independently minded,
a horrid country to try to occupy or invade. Just have Homeland Security send Ukraine
a billion dollars worth of rifles like the ones they have been buying in
inexplicable numbers. Forget Obama’s
billion dollar loan guarantee. Then send
the NRA. Classes start tomorrow morning.
Did you know 23% of Poles and Ukrainians
live in an urban area compared to 55% of Americans. They’re rednecks! “Dudes! Have you seen Duck Dynasty?”
Then a geologist friend tells me there is
a massive gas shale beneath the Bohemian plateau. Send a bunch of Okies over there. “We are going to teach you guys how to
And Putin can just deal with it. By the way, if you know Soviet history, they
often massacred hordes of natives in the surrounding states and moved squatter
Russians into the homes and businesses.
That is what happened in Latvia and Estonia where half the population
was either killed or displaced to Siberia.
Now Vlad the Impaler cries crocodile tears over these poor Russians left
behind in border countries. Do not trust this guy one inch!
Some things I don’t understand. After 9-11 I figured that there would be a
big public outcry about illegal immigration if some illegals were caught being
terrorists. The borders would surely be
closed in panic, the student visas would be tracked, and we’d all be required
ID cards. Boy was I wrong! We had the Boston Bombing by two Chechen
illegals which killed 4 people and America yawned. Well, I guess the Dozer-car guy goes on trial
this week, but no one seems to notice.
The other thing I don’t understand why we
don’t fix/repeal affirmative action. We
had a mentor kid (from our local group home—system kid) who was of African
extraction who confessed one day his friends had been making fun of him because
his parents were ‘white’, meaning us. At
that point Marcus and I decided to stop using words like black and white and
make note that all humans are some shade of brown. With the rise of so many who are mixed race
today, why don’t we dispense with Affirmative Action as a noble but useless and
now irrelevant exercise. If someone like
Marco Rubio were to champion this, I believe he would strike a chord with
voters. Aff. Act. only divides us by races. Its help is dubious to the people it was
supposed to help. It stigmatizes them to
boot. Moreover, results of similar
programs the world over have been bad. See S. Africa and India and Malaysia.
Malaysia resembles a Jimmy Carter Malaisia
economically. Malays, the native
population are known as bumiputra and they are a majority. When the British empire ruled, the Brits let
Indians and Chinese immigrate in large numbers and that is why Singapore is
today a Chinese city-state. Foreigners
were enterprising and grew rich. So when
independence came, the wealthy foreigners were a sore point. Thus the state
adopted a New Economic Policy or NEP which gave the native Malays preferences
in university admissions, civil service jobs, and hiring in general (such as
airline pilots). Corporate Boards even
had quotas for Malays. What happened?
Brain drain of Chinese and Indian populations citing ‘social injustice’. Political parties are fearful of touching
this Third Rail lest the bumiputras get mad.
The country has not grown economically due to all the regulation of
manpower. Now the country is being
skewered by the world news media for being lax or decietful with Flight
370. But the real problem is Aff. Act.
Malays talk about Ali-Baba companies.
That’s where a Malay lends his name (Ali) to a Chinese guy (Baba) to get
an advantage in starting a company.
Affirmative Action started out in USA to
protect Afro-Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans, but everybody wants to
be a privileged character and so it now includes people who descend from 33
different nationalities. But while college undergraduate enrollment of
privileged minorities has doubled since the eighties, academic performance and
number of graduates has not done much.
Maybe it is time we concentrate on the content of character rather than
color of skin. And judging by the 2012
election, where Barack Obama used vast scare tactics against Romney’s
‘whiteness’ to herd minorities to the polls, I don’t think it has helped us
become a post-racial society at all.
And then the latest insult people are
feeling is “microagression” which is like when someone doesn’t understand your
culture. Man, if I had a dollar every time
some urban kid called me “farm boy” when I attended St. John’s College, I’d be
rich. Half of ‘em thought brown cows
give chocolate milk and cowboys were “mean” to carry a rope. One guy was stunned to learn that a Big Mac
cost half as much in Kansas as in New York City. A friend of mine told about his Massachusetts
relatives getting scared of an Indian attack when they drove across the Flint/Osage
hills and maybe they would have a flat tire.
Get over it! Don’t let it affect you! Educate them!
The NCAA will receive $800 million this
year for March Madness. Most major
colleges make more money off sports and sports attire than they do off tuition. So if Truth in Advertizing Law requires
Sausage and Gravy to change the name to ‘Gravy With Sausage’ when the amount of
Gravy is in the majority—then should colleges have to rename themselves Athletic
Program with Auxillary School of Learning?
At least they ought to pay athletes a small stipend like they do
graduate students who teach a lab class.
Say, $500 a month for a wrestler and $1000 for a football player. If you don’t get paid and you make a fortune
for your master and are required to participate in order to later earn your
freedom—isn’t that the definition of slavery?
You know all that talk of Minimum
Wage? The way they usually rank Min Wage
around the world is as a percent of the country’s median wage. USA doesn’t even
rank in the top half. Turkey, France and
Slovenia are the highest with minimum wages around 60-70% of their median. So would you rather be Turkey/France/Slovenia
or USA? Rather have a high minimum wage
or a high median wage?
Again abit wordy, but good thoughts.