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Monday, December 2, 2013

the end of racism

I see the RNC had to retract a tweet that declared that Rosa Parks had ended racism.  And there arose a big howl over how racism isn’t dead.  Yada, yada, yada. In the absence of dissent, let me be the first to say that, indeed, we ought to declare racism dead.  It is being used as a victimhood play to the detriment of minorities everywhere.  But all human beings are some shade of the same color, brown. Sure, there are a few old-time racists around (under 3% according to just about every study that has been undertaken in the last 10 years), but we can ignore their yak. 

The virulent, majority racism of the old days no longer holds any sway with the vast majority of the population.   But the racism mongers ruin lives of people who struggle already. As a foster daughter of ours (who was Mex) used to say about poor-me behavior, “That won’t do you any good.” And just for the record, the Birmingham bus that Rosa Parks rode was one of the few bus lines still run by a city in the South.  All the rest had been privatized and had abolished back-of-the-bus rules since most of their customers were poor and African descent who hated such treatment.  So it was a government run bus that tried to tell Rosa where to sit. How can I make it plainer?  Southern talk? “Gubmint” tells people what to do.  Gubmint was the racist. Run by Democrats in Alabama.

Anyway, I hereby declare racism dead.  Or at the most, wiggling it’s little feet like an upended cockroach.  I attend a church that has been referred to as the world’s largest Protestant church, Lutherans.  There are more Lutherans in Africa attending each Sunday than in N. America and Europe.  So we could be called a "black church". They may be wrong about that largest title, because all the churches in China (130 million) call themselves Baptists.  In that case the world’s largest Protestant church is predominantly Han Chinese.

So here’s the strategy, perfected by Marcus and I. (Marcus was a ALCH teen who was of African descent who called us Weekend Mom and Dad.  If anyone brings up the racism blather, just say, “Ain’t all people some shade of brown? I don’t know anyone the color of snow or India ink.”  See what they say to defend themselves.  I’d love to see someone do this on MSNBC. 

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