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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

That's Entertainment

The CMA guys certainly showed the entertainment value in Obamacare.

Obamacare by morning

Why is this taking so long?

I’m gonna get hemorrhoids

If I sit here ‘til dawn.

What was so funny about it was that George Strait and the entire audience was laughing so hard they had tears in their eyes. Maybe it was Oklahoman Carrie Underwood.  We are rather independent thinkers out here. 

            So all this has me in a lyrical mood. 

Government’s been working on the website

All the live-long day.

3 years workin’ on Obamacare

Just passin’ time away.

Can’t you hear the voters screaming

Smoke rolling out their ears?

“Can’t figure what’s their problem,

This may take us years.”

            You know we could solve the illegal immigration thing by making it law that before any of the illegals can vote they have to register on Sibelius’ website.  For the life of me, I don’t understand how she ever got to be governor of Kansas.  Kansas! Does she have that much common touch to get elected? Maybe she snuck in from outside and came in over the Ozarks.

O! Do you remember sweet Kathleen from Pike,

Who crossed the Ozark Mountains with 3 yeller dogs,

6 Obamacare signees

And one spotted hog!

            Speaking of a woman who has the common touch, I have been watching Sarah Palin lately.  The Easterners adore Christie because he gives ‘em hell rather like Harry Truman.  Palin trumps that.  She utterly destroyed Matt Lauer when he condescendingly spoke of the mere 5% who are losing their healthcare plans.  Palin asked him where he got that 5% number (from buddy Barack, of course) when virtually every policy in America would have to be re-written by Obamacare.  That is, “everybody” common touch Sarah told him and the emperor who has no clothes. (This doesn’t take rocket science.)  Then Lauer smugly cautioned against being conservative lest one offend the Holy Grail of Independents.  Palin told him if you stand in the middle of the road, you get run over by traffic coming each way.  Better to take one side or the other and be true to what you believe.  Touche.  Then on Fox and Friends she was talking about her book, where she encourages people to speak out about Christmas and what they believe as Christians, that this is guaranteed in the Constitution.  But it’s larger than Christmas, she warned.  To take away what a Christian expresses is to threaten not only the First Amendment but also the Expression of God that faithful people represent.  Wow! How true! Go get ‘em, Sarah!  Why is she not running?

            Here’s my theory about that.  She is doing exactly what a good pol needs to do to win the party Prez nomination by supporting other candidates and building supporters.  Her work in 2010 with 20 congressional districts targeted and 18 won, her work in 2012 supporting Cruz when none of the experts gave him a chance (and were sure TX senator spot would fall to Dems) are spot on.  But Palin was very, very middle class with a small (under $30K a year) fishing business before she ran for Gov. of Alaska.  She’s making a pile right now being on TV and writing a book.  A Clinton can make money getting into office and being corrupt.  A Republican has to earn it the old fashioned way before they run.

            Which reminds me of what I always jokingly tell Steve.  “If you don’t like my job, you can just cut my pay!” Or put the Obama way, “If you like your non-pay, you can keep it.  Period.” Or after your cancelled health policy, “If you like your non-policy, you can keep it. Period.” By the way, if your policy was cancelled like mine was, had to go to another insurance company, how can Congress pass a law that allows you to revert to a now non-existent policy?  If you Dems like my non-vote, you can keep it. Period.

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