Ted Cruz released his birth certificate and boy, does this give us something fun to think about!
Evidently all the old Mitt Romney advisors have gone over to Christie so everyone thinks he will run for President. As usual, the Mitt mongers are spreading rumors and negatives about all the other candidates, as is their habit. Among rumors is the one that Sen. Ted Cruze could not run because he is not a "natural born American citizen" as the Constitution requires.
From the beginning I have scratched my head over the birther thing. If your parent is a US citizen, you are too. Think of all the kids who were born abroad while parents were in the US military or doing missionary work. Think John McCain born in Panama while his dad was an admiral. So then Obummer had an American citizen mother, even though we don't know where on earth he was born. His birth certificate is clearly a fake job. Why did he fake it when he didn't need to? Maybe just to relieve talk about him not being a true American. Maybe to tweak the noses of suspicious people on the right. Maybe just because he thinks "a good lie should not go to waste." Beats me.
Ted, it turns out was born of an American citizen mother and a father from Castro's Cuba. His dad and mom went the Canadian route to escape Fidel. Just a few years before, Cruze's dad was indeed an American citizen living in a US Territory and resented being called a citizen of communist Cuba. So Ted is a natural born US citizen born abroad like McCain in Calgary, Alberta in a hospital on '48th Av' as they say. But according to Canadian law that makes him also a natural born Canadian, eh? Hence he is legally a dual citizen and can run as a member of Parliament. Or ride in the chuckwagon races.
Oh the possibilities! Run as an MP from Alberta, threaten secession as Alberta has done if the federal government doesn't allow certain independences. Become Prime Minister. Then return to USA, run for Prez and win. What we now have is a model. This is how the Hapsburgs managed to inherit half of Europe. How Margaret became queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Merge USA and Canada with of course the proviso of strong state's rights. If Taxachusetts or the Newfs want to live out their lives on welfare and socialized medicine, their state should arrange it and leave the rest of us alone. Corporate taxes will be cut to the Canadian low rate. Bill of Rights borrowed from the lower 48. Approve the Keystone pipeline. Make BC happy with several new military bases. And just give LA and Hollywood back to the Mexicans, La Raza, and the drug cartels. Then seal the border somewhere south of Bakersfield. Tell the nasty Native American guys in Canada to stop bitching or we will require you to move to Oklahoma where they will lull you with lots of barbecue and soon have you talking slow, attending both powwows and rodeos, and voting Republican all the time.
Any questions?
Monday, August 19, 2013
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