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Thursday, November 8, 2012

What's next?

Now what?  Will we have another 4  years of no-budgets from the Senate while annual auto-increases of 8% take place?  A fiscal cliff?  Or something else?  Here are a few questions I would pose to my Dem friends.

1.     Will churches be forced to hire atheists as ministers?   Last spring the Obama administration tried to force a Lutheran school to retain a doctrinally wayward “called” teacher.  The Supreme Court struck down the Administration 9-0 but the Administration has never relinquished their multicultural demand for all-comers hiring practices.  Now they are trying to force Catholics to fund birth control.  So will churches be forced to hire a Muslim?

2.     What will we do when China takes Taiwan and demands Philippines?  Obama has gutted the military. We have half the fighters, 2/3 the bombers and less than half as many airplanes and ships as 4 years ago. China has doubled their military.  Will we just say, Okay?

3.     If another 9/11 happens, will we just tolerate it? Wait!  We did have another 9/11 in Benghazi and we just blamed it on a movie.  We’ve mainstreamed the radical Muslim agenda, using the Justice Department to defend Sharia, bleached “jihad” from counterterrorism training of law enforcement, and called the Ft. Hood shooting “workplace violence”.  So what do we do when another explosion happens in a city?

4.     What do we do when Iran or its henchmen attack Israel? This is their sworn ideology. Will we return nuclear fire?

5.     What you do when the price of fuel doubles? Will we be allowed to drill? Permits on federal lands are down 88% despite an industry eager to drill. 97% of federal lands/seas are off limits now. EPA  says fracking will poison drinking water despite no case of this ever happening. And Keystone Pipeline isn[‘t allowed.  Meanwhile world demand for petroleum rises 10% annually. EPA regulations are estimated (by CBO!) to kill 1.4 million coal industry jobs by 2020 causing electric rates to rise by 23%.

6.     What will you do when Government Motors goes broke?  GM wasn’t allowed, in re-organization bankruptcy, to cut wages or union perks.  The UAW was handed the federal government’s ownership interest they illegally stole from bondholders.  How will the union, as the new owners, resist their own demands for pay raises? Meanwhile GM’s market share has fallen to new lows and their cars are being panned by the auto press which test drives them.

7.     What will you do when the international bond market demands more interest?  When national debt exceeds national income, we are in trouble.  The lenders in the international bond market ask if they will get paid back in full. If you still want to borrow more money, you’ll have to pay them more interest.  If interest goes up and they devalue our dollar, a recession happens.  Jobs are lost.  But it’s not a normal recession because the only way a government can reduce their debt is by inflating the currency.  You get stagflation—a depression economy but with prices rising all the time. What will you do when China demands their money back or Alaska?

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