I still
find it hard to believe that Obama may win this. I’ve been reading the leftist stuff and they
are cooing about how Clinton “told it how it was” about the economy, Romney is
unlikeable and rich, and Obama seems sooooo smart. Hmm.
Taking this one at a time, did Clinton and the Obama convince most
people that Bush caused the recession?
That’s a new one on me. I thought recessions were caused by
overspeculation, not Presidents. Millions of bad decisions by individuals
acting like lemmings cause recessions. The last recession was caused by
overspeculation in housing. So did Bush
teach all those people to say, “House prices will always go up, always go up,
always go up!” ? The recession of 2001
was caused by overspeculation in stocks, especially tech stocks, which began to
decline from an S&P high of 1570 in March, 2000 to eventually reach a low
of 713 in October 2002. So did Clinton
teach all those idiots to say, “The economy is so good. We may never have another recession. The Dow
will soon reach 30,000.”? That’s the kind of talk we heard, evidencing the
frothy markets. And you wouldn’t normally think of blaming a President for a
lousy recovery, except that Presidents (and congresses) can put debt and
regulations in place that scare the business community. That’s what we have now.
But it may
be that Obama has hoodwinked a majority of voters. Too bad for America.
The Left
is also all abuzz about how Romney is not seem trustworthy. So then we find out that Obama has a son out
of wedlock which surfaced at the Dem convention and that Bill Clinton is
telling us all about trust in his speech.
You know the single mothers loved and trusted Bill and now they love and
trust Obama. Would it be too out of
place to say this is why they wind up single?
I do see part of their argument, however. During the primary I noted that Romney was
such a proud guy. He doesn’t admit much
guilt and is stiff and formal. But
considering that our debt bomb is headed for detonation soon, I would say we need an
accountant with a sharp pencil to mark through a lot of budget items. Whether my accountant is a warm, personable
guy who winks and flirts is not my concern.
I want him to get the numbers right. Clearly, Romney will do that better
than Obama. Evidently the bozos are out
to hire an accountant with a good pick-up line.
As for me and my house, I am invested reasonably well against the
possibility of debt-bomb/stagflation. But it won’t be pretty when it
happens. And then comes
inflation/taxation as we try to make amends.
Smart guy,
Obama, could not figure out that it was a terrorist attack that took out our
ambassador for nine days. Then suddenly
the assessment changed 180 degrees. Best assessment that the attacks were not
spontaneous riots is provided by Chris Mudd.
He asked me how many US flags I could round up if I went around Ponca
City and bought them all. Well, I dunno,
maybe a hundred total. “They claimed the
mob in Cairo burned 20,000 US flags. Now
that takes a bit of advance preparation, given that it is Egypt and you are trying
to find a US flag, right?” Is Obama’s “smart” foreign policy anything like
proposing shovel-ready projects when nothing was shovel-ready? Smart like Fast
and Furious? Have we brought Iran, Palestine and N. Korea to the negotiating
table yet? And then there’s the lost Hope of Changing Washington. And how a lowering sea level would come and
the race card would vanish. Smart?
Do people
actually drink this Kool-Aid? If so, it is not America’s finances that will
collapse, but our Americanism.
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