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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Free signs, free thoughts

Ha!! Since I have relatives who are in KS politics, they bequeath me signs! Friday I am off to fetch a couple dozen plywood signs from brother-in-law. (Thanks, Garry!) Of course they say BERGES for SHERIFF right now but we can overpaint them. On second thought, does our ever-popular Republican Sheriff Everette Van Hoessen have anybody running against him this year? I bet not. You know, what a fella could do is get his neighbors to post a whole bunch of these signs 'as is' all over their yards until the primary election. Ev could come out of his house in the morning and choke on his coffee. "What?! Who didn't tell me I had an opponent?!"

Now just a few random thoughts. Byrd died. Perhaps I can now get over this weird mental affliction that plagues me. Whenever I would see this guy on TV my brain, for some inexplicable reason would always think, 'term limits'. Isn't that odd? Second thing, I see where Hispanic voters in Colorado like the AZ law by 62-32%. Back in 2000 when we had an Hispanic foster daughter, Tony Conchos took us under his Hispanic Culture wing and there I first heard how controversial illegals are with Mex-Americans. Some see cousin Pedro; others, a lousy illegal giving them all a bad name. So I don't think Obama's ploy of suing AZ is going to win him that many votes. Now I often wondered why ordinary citizens near the border, with the help of a deep-pockets, couldn't control the flow. Say we put up a line of tazers that automatically intercept anything that moves through the back yard. Then call border security. Cruel? Well police in El Reno, OK are defending their tazing of an 86-yr-old woman last week. And just think a line of tazers would also be good for stopping Dems trying to get across the border going south after the November election.

Probably like me, you have for many weeks watched pictures of that converted supertanker-skimmer called the A Whale in it's dock. So why it hasn't been used? Sen. Jim Inhofe says that the Obama administration is holding up usage because there is a law that says no tainted seawater can be dumped in the Gulf. Since the A Whale skims oil and water, then dumps the water--ah, but wait, the return water is only 99.44% pure and can contain a thin film of oil--it returns a tiny amount of oil back into the sea. Thus it has had certification held up.

Growing up a deaf kid, I played drums in 3 bands. I couldn't understand the lyrics so I would do what deaf people always do. I made up words in attempt to construct the sentences. Maybe that is why Rush Limbaugh has ruined me with his hilarious parody songs. I can't listen to the real words without thinking the parody. My favorite was all the Democrat voices (Clinton, Kennedy, Obama, etc.) singing that Greenwood song, Proud to be an American. I laughed so hard at Limbaugh, I nearly wrecked my truck when they all started singing,
I'd be proud to be a Canadian/ 'Cause at least their health care's free.
And I'd rather be an Iranian/ 'Cause they all hate Bush like me.
And I'm gonna stand up!! / For illegals, and defend them to the day
'Cause there ain't no doubt I hate this land/ I hate the USA!!

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