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Friday, January 29, 2021

10 minutes to take down the election


Here’s the text of my speech last night to Republicans. How to evaluate the election in 10 minutes with 10 numeric measures that don’t make sense.

Hey! Let’s have a little fun and look at the election this year. My dad is a 94-yr. old cowboy and he says that trusting Democrats in an election is like taking a lot of ExLax and trusting a fart. But that’s how cowboys talk.  I don’t want to say that Biden stole the election because they will put my grandkids in re-education camps and I’ll be labeled an insurgent (enemy of the state), so I leave the listener [reader] to think for themselves.  I’m just an old theoretical physicist  and I want to point out some really strange things about the data.

            There were, according to NBC, 158 million votes cast compared to 136M in 2016.  That means that in 2016 there was 67% turnout (votes cast / registered) and that fits the historic pattern of 60-70% turnouts.  This year it is 78%.  Do you believe that? Did you see big write-ups in the papers about this?  This is a huge number, perhaps as large as McKinley 1896.  Anybody here remember that election? Biden carried 17% of the counties.  Some claim this is an all-time low for the winner.  He ran poorer than Obama almost everywhere except for 6 swing states and their 6 huge metropolitan counties where he was fabulously popular—more than FDR.  Do you believe that?

            Arizona, Biden won by only 10,000 votes but 36K illegals voted. The Navarro Report found this out by comparing citizenship records to voters.  (They also compare postal records to find wrong addresses or out of state voters, death records to find dead people voting).  Now how did Joe get 36K illegal votes? Did  Phoenix allow them to vote in school board elections and the guys showed up at the general election as well? How do you allow an illegal vote?  There were also 22K mailed votes that were received BEFORE the requested ballots were mailed out.  How does this happen?  Something voodoo? We’ll never know.  AZ slammed the book shut after certification so we can’t ask questions.

            Nevada also slammed the books shut. Trump lost by 34K. But before they could get it done, 42K double votes were counted.  OK Senator Lankford stood up and objected, ”How did you have 42,000 double votes?  We have ‘em in Oklahoma—but only 52 last year.  We prosecuted them.” It was almost all Clarke County, Las Vegas. Maybe, I speculate, it started when 100 Elvises showed up to vote and all signed in as Elvis Presley.  The confused poll workers shrugged and said, “Let’s let ‘em keep voting.”  Do you think there are 42,000 Elvises in Vegas?

            Georgia was lost by Trump by just over 11K votes.  In prior years they had the old standard absentee ballots.  But there is paperwork to do these and thus they had a rejection rate of 3%.  In 2020, they had a new, more-confusing mail-in ballot and the rejection rate was amazingly only 0.2%.  Wow! Jaw-juh is really getting to be an intellectual state and voters are really sharp! Umm, the machines they used to qualify ballots was from Dominion.  They also had 18K ballots that came from addresses that cannot exist.  That’s like my friend who lives NW of Newkirk at 6501 North W St.  If you go a few miles farther north on W St. it turns into Kansas.  If you turned in a ballot from 16501 N. W St. it would be in Cowley County, KS.  There were also 66,000 underage voters.  Did they bus ‘em? Or declare a snow day in Georgia?

            Wisconsin was lost by Trump by 20K.  The turnout rate was 94%.  Do you believe this? There are 3 Western countries in the world that have mandatory voting.  In Australia you get a fine, about $100, if you fail to vote.  But they only once exceeded 94% turnout.  That’s because about 5% of people at any point in time are sick—in the hospital or at home.  So some guy comes to an Australian judge and begs his fine forgiven because he was in the Outback and his truck broke down and here’s an excuse from my mechanic.  Because courts are jammed full of people trying to get their fines annulled, most European governments have given up on mandatory voting.  Netherlands still has it.  In WI, the People’s Republic of Madison had 120% turnout.  How do you get more votes than valid voters?

            Pennsylvania, Biden won by 93K. There was a law that absentee ballots had to be requested but the Governor non-constituionally overruled the legislature and the Sec. of State just sent out ballots to everyone registered, but mostly in Philadelphia. 1.8M ballots sent; 2.5M ballots received back.  Shazzam! There was an excess of 687,000 votes. You know, they talk about voting irregularities.  This looks like it was happening pretty regular to me.  Who were the 687K?  We don’t know.  In another court ruling by a shopped-for liberal judge, they didn’t have to verify signatures.  There were also 60K ballots received before the ballots were sent here as well.  Maybe that’s a violation of Relativity?  Causality? Somebody explain the physics of this to me.

            Michigan, Trump lost by 162K.   There were 138,399 Biden-only votes.  Usually just voting for one race on a ballot is extremely rare—one in a thousand. All of these were from Wayne County, Detroit, where 147,000 votes arrived in 7 batches and there was not one Trump vote in them all.  Now that’s interesting because tests of voters show that one in 1000 or 500 voters will accidentally mark the wrong candidate—miss-votes. So where are the 150 or 30 miss-votes?  I guess they are Really Really careful in Detroit, but then they don’t know any of the other people running so they mostly just mark Biden and arrange for all the votes to arrive at 3 am.  In Wayne co. they had a 139% turnout.

            Had Trump won just AZ,GA,PA, and WI (not NV and MI where the margin was 2%) he would have wound up with 280 electoral votes. What I conclude from this is that the state legislatures need to reform things.  I suggest they create a group of Election Inspectors who answer only to the legislature.  Give them power to oversee the counters, with powers to separate suspicious ballots for audit, assess fines to uncooperative counters and election boards, authority to refer certain people to district or state attorney generals. If a few cheats are found, it will have a chilling effect on others who cheat. What can Republicans like you and me do?  We need to keep talking about this odd election nd I will not quit until some Ding Dong Democrat can prove conclusively to me that these numbers have an explanation.  We need to oppose VR1, now in the US House that would make all states do nebulous mail-ins, vote harvesting, etc.  This is an evil bill that will guarantee any election is about as trustworthy as a fart after you have taken Ex Lax.  We need to be the Adult Party.  Say NO to weird elections and censorship and high taxes, race-baiting and 6 genders.  We need to say YES to limited government, jobs and the economy, the Bill of Rights, legal immigration and national defense.  

And like I say, I welcome ANY objective, thoughtful analysis of these numbers by Democrats. 


Monday, January 18, 2021

2020 Election review of 6 controversial states


2020 election review—a survey of 6 states

This review covers 6 states that had controversial elections. Statistics compiled from articles at Real Clear Politics, Trump speech Jan.5, 2021, Parts of Navarro Report, and NBC News. It is often said that there was NO election fraud. I leave that to the reader’s judgment.

Overall (not final tallies, but close)

Biden     81.28M votes

Trump    74.22M

Others     2.94M

Total     158.44M

2016      136.63M

2012      126.46M

2008      129.39M

Navarro used the technique of postal records and sometimes cell phone locations to check status of voters


Arizona, Trump lost 10,457 of 3.3M cast or 0.3%

Incidents: large numbers of ballots stolen from mailboxes. 3000 were found on a farm.

36,000 cast by illegal/non-citizens

22,000 ballots rec’d before they were sent by state

2000 ballots returned no address

150,000 voters in Maricopa Co. (Phoenix) registered after deadline but allowed to vote.

State counted these ballots mostly and is not allowing verification by outside requests.


Nevada,Trump -34,596 of 1.3M cast or 2.4%

Incidents: Voters were allowed to cast provisional ballots in Clarke Co.(Las Vegas) without ID.  Clarke Co. signature verification machine sensitivity set nearly to zero to accept 130,000 votes. Indian tribe did a car raffle for those who “would vote Democrat” (fed crime)

103,000 votes electronically adjudicated without Republican observer.

42,000 double votes

1500 votes, complete name and date of birth correspond to dead voter

8000 votes from people residing in other states or no address

Nevada refused to recount any of this.


Georgia Trump -11,779 of almost 5 M cast or 0.2%

Incidents: No signature verifications in Fulton Co. (Atlanta). Rate of ballot rejection for absentees has always been about 3%; 202 was 0.2%(Dominion machines)

10,300 ballots dead—date of birth, full names

2,500 felons voted illegally

4,500 not on state rolls voted

18,000 illegal ballots were cast from addresses vacant or unknown to Post Office

88,000 registrations done post-deadline. Votes counted

66,000 voters were underage.

Unknown how much of this was corrected in recount.  







Wisconsin, Trump -20,608 of 3.2M cast or 0.3%

Incidents: WI requires witness for mail-in who must fill his address.  Poll workers statewide told to “add some address” so that all votes could be valid.

500 (illegal by state law) unsecured dropboxes  collected 91,000 votes

170,000 absentee ballots rec’d and counted that never had an application.  All came from Dem counties.

17,000 votes deposited in “human drop boxes” ( a vote harvester with a dufflebag in a park)  in Madison.  State legislature had given cease and desist order to this to no effect.

Postal workers by scores backdated postmarks on 100,000?? Ballots.


Pennsylvania Trump  -93,660 of 7M cast or 1.2%

Nate Silver related that 23,377 ballots in PA had Biden-only votes.  In Philadelphia 18,000+ votes were Biden-only. Trump had 85 Trump only.  Ordinarily about 100 one-vote ballots rec’d. Pennsyvania had 205,000 more votes than registered voters. The state sent 1.8M absentee ballots and got 2.5M in return, a 687,000 excess.

8000 dead voters (name + birth date)

14,000 out-of-state residents voted (postal records)

10,000 votes rec’d after election day (illegal)

60,000 votes rec’d before state sent a ballot by request

25,000 ballots in a single batch were requested by nursing home patients (illegal) Votes were counted.

Count of absentee ballots was reported officially by state day before election day as required. 3 days after election, number had grown miraculously 400,000

State Legislature realized too late from testimony that it had severe problems.  Denied re-certification.


Michigan Trump  -162,048 of 5.5M or 2.8%

MI has very similar laws as OK—only requested absentees + witnessed and in-person voting. Many affidavits swore they were told by local officials to change dates in absentees if needed. MI and WI had 138.399 Biden-only votes. Normal election has almost none. Workers transferred “unreadable” absentees to clean ballots (no R observers allowed),dates changed.  Software “glitch” transferred 6000 votes from Trump to Biden but was corrected in this case. Sec. of State sent mail ballots to every registered voter (violation state law). Detroit city workers witnessed fellow workers coaching people to do Straight Dem vot and accompanied them into voting booths.   

17,000 dead voters

Wayne Co.  (Detroit) 174,000 mystery voters correspond to no registered. Poll workers told to ask no ID.

Wayne Co. Observers say workers scanned and re-scanned repeatedly to increase vote count. Wayne had  139% as many votes as registered voters.

Wayne Co. 147,000 votes arrived at 3 am.  Not one voted for Trump. Normally about 1 in 1000 ballots is inadvertently misvoted-mismarked.


If Trump had won only 4 of 6, the states with <1.2% margins he would have had 280 electoral votes.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Harriet Tubman

          Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in Maryland and escaped to Philadelphia in 1849.  That was one year before the Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Act required escaped slaves to be returned to their Southern owners. As she prepared to leave her own bondage, Tubman sang, “When that old chariot comes,/ I’m going to leave you./ I’m bound for the promised land,…On the other side of the Jordan,/ I’m bound for the promised land.” She never forgot how sweet freedom was, nor her friends still in slavery. She became a guide, leading slaves through the darkness of forests, risking her own life even though she had papers to prove herself a FPOC—Free Person Of Color. She would leave her evacuees to secure food and signaled them with spiritual songs.  “Hail, O hail, ye happy spirits,/Death no more shall make you fear /Grief nor sorrow, pain nor anguish, /Shall no more distress you there.” Indeed she packed a revolver and considered that death might come at any moment.”For I have reasoned this out in my mind; two things I had a right to, liberty, or death.  If I cannot have the one I will take the other.  No man will take me alive…and when the time came for me to go, the Lord would take me.”  Often the hidden slaves would drug their children with opium to make them sleep as they carried them, listening to Tubman singing softly, “Jesus, Jesus will go with you,/ He will lead you to his throne,/ He who died has gone before you”  But her favorite song of all was, “Oh, go down, Moses,/ Way down to Egypt land;/Tell old Pharaoh, /Let my people go.” She led 13 missions using safe houses and barns of anti-slavery activists that became known as the Underground Railroad. 70 people were freed including her family.  They sang upon arriving to Pennsylvania, “Glory to God and Jesus too./ One more soul got safe./ Oh, go and carry the news./ One more soul got safe!” Many of the former slaves she rescued were taken to Canada after 1850 to avoid the Fugitive Slave Act. 

            Why was Tubman so tied to Christian song? As a child, born as Araminta ‘Minty’ Ross, she was accidentally hit in the head by a heavy piece of iron that an overseer had intended to discipline another slave.  She experienced dizziness and hypersomnia and had many dreams that she ascribed to “premonitions of God”. She was a devout Methodist. How did she get used to being in forests at night? Her dad was a forest manager and she was hired out to a trapper as a child to check muskrat traps. How did she get the idea that she could resist?  Her mother, Rit, hid her son, Moses, from their owner for a month when the owner wanted to sell the boy to a Georgia plantation owner.  When they came to the shack to get Moses, Rit angrily stated that they might get Moses, but the first man to enter her house would get his head split in two. Moses was left unsold.  Later, Minty was hired as a nursemaid to a neighbor who beat her if the infant cried.  Once she was whipped 5 times before breakfast.  Minty learned to wear extra clothing to protect her back. And how did she became an FPOC?  Her father was manumitted at age 45 and a few years later hired a lawyer to look into Rit’s legal status.  The lawyer discovered that Rit and children were supposed to be freed as well, but the heir, Edward Brodess, had ignored his father’s wishes. She married a FPOC named Tubman in 1844 and changed her name to Harriet. But she was still a slave(common practice in Maryland). “In 1849, Tubman became ill again, which diminished her value as a slave. Edward Brodess tried to sell her, but could not find a buyer. Angry at him for trying to sell her and for continuing to enslave her relatives, Tubman began to pray for her owner, asking God to make him change his ways. She said later: "I prayed all night long for my master till the first of March; and all the time he was bringing people to look at me, and trying to sell me." When it appeared as though a sale was being concluded, "I changed my prayer", she said. "First of March I began to pray, 'Oh Lord, if you ain't never going to change that man's heart, kill him, Lord, and take him out of the way.'" A week later, Brodess died, and Tubman expressed regret for her earlier sentiments.” (Wikipedia)  But in fact, new heirs only increased the likehood of being sold.  She tried once, unsuccessfully, to escape with her brothers. But a lone try, soon afterward was successful using safe houses and her knowledge of the forests. 

When the Civil War broke out, Tubman worked for the Union Army, first as a cook and nurse, and then as an armed scout and spy. The army was quick to recognize her skills in unknown timber and posing as a slave on errand. She led an armed raid on Combahee Ferry, which liberated more than 700 slaves. Maryland’s citizens and Confederates were stunned to learn after the war that this disabled runaway, barely 5 feet tall was behind such feats.  But Tubman credited God and trusted that He would keep her safe.  "I never met with any person of any color who had more confidence in the voice of God, as spoken directly to her soul." --Thomas Garrett