So how did English get to be so important? I’m no linguist but I take the following
summary from The Mother Tongue by Bill Brigdon, and numerous
conversations with our foreign exchange students and a couple of good linguists
I’ve know. English is advantaged because
it has simple grammar. For example,
there is no gender or declination of nouns except pronouns. (“Dog” doesn’t have 7 different endings
depending on how it is used—or 40 in Finnish!)
Verb conjugations are simple compared with other languages. Latin alphabet beats every other language from
Egypt to Japan. 200,000 words in common usage, is twice most other
languages. That is because English
welcomes new words from other languages.
Thus English is chock full of subtle meanings of words. Few other languages even print a
“thesaurus”. Easy cases, flexible word
ordering, allows a new user of English to break-in fast. As Ta-Weit used to say, “You just give it a
try and let ‘er rip. Then smile a
lot. And somehow everyone catches on.”
The perfect language for engineers with less verbal skills. Concise meaning means less writing. So how did English get that simple, that easy
to add onto?
Historical linguists say that it happened
because of the quirks of history that relegated English to peasants in the
middle ages while the nobles spoke Norman French, then Norman French became an
object of derision by the rest of France, setting up the adoption of English in
England as a simplified official tongue.
Let’s start with the Anglo-Saxons. Angles, Saxons, and Jutes emigrated to
Britain beginning about 450 AD. They
didn’t really invade, just took advantage of the land where Celts were left
defenseless by the Romans who had pulled out.
Celts were sophisticated and Roman, needing baths and police to
survive. The functionally illiterate
Germans didn’t and they swamped the kingdom with a more or less common tongue. Celtic Bretons retreated to Wales, Cornwall
and Brittany. A few Breton inclusions
may have survived for centuries but the new talk was almost all in Anglo-Saxon “Old
English”. You can still find enclaves of
Old English dialect in Angleland (German Danish border) and Frisian coast where
they say you will be stunned by the dialect of German so close to English. Some
local guy may come up to you and say in perfect Angle-Old English, “What the
clock?” Few of the early Anglo-Saxons
could read or write—only a few priests and important people did. But the spelling is radically different than
our English. On paper it looks utterly
foreign. But you understand the phonetic
letters, the words sound womewhat like
English, but very archaic. This was the language of Bede and Alcuin in the 700s
after the Anglo-Saxons had become Christianized, educated and writing became
Then came the invasions. First the Danes conquered northern England on
the east coast beginning about 850. Then
in 1066, 7000 Norman knights beat Saxon king Aethelred the Unready, and found
themselves in possession of a nation of 1.5 million. Old English was relegated to a second class
language of peasants. For over 300 years
it remained so. And with Danes in the
North, some Celts in the South, the dialects arose all over the place. In order to understand one another, they had
to simplify into a kind of pidgin. Thus
the loss of cases, conjugations, etc.
Instead of remembering 11 different cases of an adjective, there arose
just one. Gender was scrapped by the illiterate serfs. And the nobles, of course could care less. But that was critical. Instead of a learned class who are the cause
of complexity in language (to make stories more poetic, speak more precisely,
and separate themselves from the masses by manner of talk) English grew
Meanwhile Norman-French was held with some
disdain by the Parisians and other French.
Norman French or “Frensh” as it was laughingly called was a dialect put
out to disdain by the other French. Worse,
the English nobles started using some of the common English in daily life. Consequently, by the 1400s, the English
nobles began to abandon Frensh in favor of an English with about 10,000 Frensh
terms included. Legal, government and church terms were borrowed from Frensh.
Meanwhile about the era of Chaucer, English,evolved into its simplest form and
spellings, were becoming modernized as the language became more and more
written. This was complete by
Shakespeare and Elizabeth in the late 1500s.
Then the Spanish Armada couldn’t win and
Elizabeth did. A few years later,
Britain was building a national navy and conquering the world. The language spread everywhere. By the 19th
century English, French, German and Spanish were in a dead heat for the most
international language. France, the
bounteous and populous country with all the science and engineering in the 19th
century, was favored by 1900. Then WW I
killed the wide influence of Germans and French. But there were other
ingredients to their linguistic demise. French people hate changes to their
tongue. German was Europe-wide but not
world-wide. English was the easy-to-use. And nobody was easier in usage than those
Americans who became leaders after WW II.
Quite simply, the world adopted English.
Since 1945, English has gone from 3% of world usage to 14%. Hence every foreign exchange kid lists as
Goal #1 to learn English fluently. Our
Finnish exchange kid called me up to celebrate acing his university language
exam. I guess he’d underlined my colloquialisms in my letters to him. Used them in his exam and the profs were very
impressed. He laughed and said, “Dad Z,
you have a colorful speech.” So there it
is. Okies and other peasants conquer the
language world.