Trump, they say has a very high IQ.
I keep noticing that he does indeed figure things out that the media is
stupid about. When Martha McCallum observed he didn’t get any major legislation done in the first 100 days, he
responded that he had signed 28 laws. ( the media can hardly quote any of
them.) Most have to do with changing
regulations, something that is huge for businesses, but boring for the
commentariat. Then he said that the R’s
(meaning congress) wasn’t ready to govern.
They were used to being loose canons and prima donnas because they were
out of power and it didn’t matter what they proposed or how they voted. Obama
would veto them. This is absolutely,
positively the truth. Congressional factions
continue to wrangle over Repeal/Replace.
237 egos don’t agree and have to learn to live with half a loaf and
play like a team. That, not the a
Caucus, not Paul Ryan, not Trump is to blame—although the pundits seem to love the blame game. And so we see the tragicomedy of
conservative pundits lashing out in anger that nothing is done. I have news.
Not only are most of the people impatient, so are the Congressmen, the White
House and just about everyone in between.
Don’t blame anyone still alive.
The Founders purposely made law-making slow. Better to have impatience than tyrannies that
can run over us in a moment.
Trump is also playing a game with China. N. Korea has a dangerous player. I don’t
understand why, if China fears USA bringing in weapons to re-arm S. Korea and
Japan, if they fear for free trade and broken commerce with the West, if they
fear Kim’s collapse could bring millions of Korean refugees into China, don’t
they just go grab that little fat guy by the neck and install a puppet of their
choice in his place? And from behaviors
of China after the powwow with Trump, they seem to be jockeying in this
direction. If he can get China to defuse Kim, that will be something no other
Prez has ever done. It would also cool down a
hot spot and we could attend to Iran or Ukraine or some other problem. Part of a good war or campaign waged is to
deal with one thing at a time and get as far as you can go with diplomacy or
Every Republican likes tax cuts, but if Trump had led his agenda with
them, they would show a big negative loss of revenue. Instead, first pass Obamacare replacement and
save $100 B a year. Then pass a budget
with real cuts to discretionary spending and save another $100 B. Result is that the tax cuts would be somewhat paid
for. And despite Trump’s proposal of tax
reform, budget and repeal/replace do seem to be coming first.
Finally the media is hooting that Trump is giving up on his wall. But ‘wall’ is a euphemism for a secure border
which in places is a fence or in an almost impassible area or on some difficult
situation involving private land or a tribal reservation, will be a
surveillance tower and drones. But the
media thinks they have really caught Trump in a lie about the border. It is as if Babe Ruth stepped up to the plate
and pointed to where he was going to hit a home run. But then he hit the home run, but to the opposite
field. Fans would be cheering. The media would be saying cynically that Ruth
can’t call it right at all. Guess I'm a fan.