There are things they don’t tell you and I sometimes wonder why—but sometimes
it is obvious.
1)News tonight is that the OKC jail has a mold problem in the kitchen.
TV made it sound like all sorts of bad practice in the jail. But the real reason is that inmates stay out
of trouble if they fix their own food.
More food, fewer fights. But these aren’t clean guys—druggies, robbers,
mentally ill. So they leave a mess and
often it is almost impossible to manage by the jail. Hence the mold.
2) Why are ice cubes in the shape of a D? In the 1950s when icemakers for home fridges
were being tried, they made a lot of shapes.
But the D cube made by one company was far less troublesome for low
capacity makers. Everyone began to use
these icemakers and nothing has changed in 60 years.
3) Frustrated gardeners everywhere.”I can’t raise tomatoes anymore
where I used to.” “I tried to raise fruit trees but the borers killed them.”
Simple solutions. Tomatoes develop a
wilt if raised in the same location every year.
Rotate your crop and only come back to the same place about every 3
years. Borers are laid by a fly from
June 1 to September on the bark. Then
the larva bores under the bark either near the soil line or up a couple feet on
the trunk, doing great damage. Treat
with borer spray every 3 weeks over the summer. So why doesn’t everyone in a
garden center know this? Beats me.
4)Why do most renters rent? They
can’t hold a job. I know this not only
by their histories, but also what I see.
Holes in walls and doors abound.
They got mad and pounded a hole in something. They fight at work too—no faster way to get
fired than fighting with the boss. Peter Drucker predicted this in the 60s,
noting that so many kids were without parental guidance and we would likely
raise a nation of poor workers, self-centered, insecure, uncooperative, when
kids were raised by day care.
Now a little politics.
5) Why did Repeal/Replace fail?
No matter what you thought of the Ryan-Trump-Price bill, it failed, as
Rush Limbaugh pointed out, because too many people were successful in labeling
it to mean bad things. VP Pence pleaded
that Stage I repealed individual mandates, would save $1T over ten years and give
Medicaid entirely to the states. What’s
not to love if you are a conservative, and that’s just stage 1? But here’s the deal. If you run for office it’s brutal. You’ll be called names, lied about, and it
takes a tireless campaigner. Who can
endure? Very egotistical people. And so the US Senate in particular is full of
prima donnas who insisted that if the bill wasn’t done their way, they’d vote
NO. When a party is minority, it’s okay
to rant irreponsibly, but when you are in the majority, you’d better learn to
be a team player or you will pass nothing and the public will sour on you. But I doubt you'll hear this in the media
6) The whole Russiagate thing now looks like a preemptive smoke screen
to hide the fact that Trump’s people were under surveillance talking to
Russians. But the media narrative of
Hillary losing steam in polls as election day approached due to Russian
hacks/disclosures can be disproven by simple statistics. Real Clear Polics Avg. two weeks out was
Hillary +5.2%. Day before election,
+4.8%. Exit polls day of election, +5%.
No poll showed her at +1.8% as the popular vote actually was. What happened?
Many people voted intentionally not talking to pollsters. But why didn’t the
media point this out immediately?
Because journalists avoid math. I
saw this years ago teaching in college. They get chills even over addition.